RagTime 6.5 – special year-end purchase and upgrade offers

Dortmund – December 5th, 2008 – RagTime.de, developer of the award winning business publishing solution RagTime, has a special year-end offer for all customers who upgrade to the upcoming RagTime 6.5 immediately. Until the end of 2008, an upgrade from RagTime 6 to the new version 6.5 is just €199 + tax. Beginning January 1st, 2009, the upgrade price will be €249 + tax. There is also a special 15% savings on any RagTime 6 purchase or upgrade to that version until 31.12.2008. All sales after December 1st this year are entitled to a free upgrade to the new version. The customer will get a CD free of charge as soon as the new version is available.

More details of the new RagTime 6.5 can be found on the RagTime website (www.ragtime.de). A preview version of RagTime 6.5 can be downloaded and tested free of charge (http://www.ragtime.de/web/en/download/ragtime6.5_pre.html). After the completion of a simple registration form at the RagTime.de website a download link for a Mac and a Windows version is provided.


RagTime 6 - simply productive
For more than ten years, the RagTime business publishing solution has enabled users to easily and professionally set up office and creative design documents. RagTime 6, introduced in 2006, made it even easier to use, while incorporating sophisticated design technologies like transparencies, PDF and HTML output.

RagTime is the perfect match of an office and a desktop publishing application: the software combines word processing, spreadsheet, diagrams, images, and graphics in a comfortable layout environment. RagTime is easy to use and covers all needs, from the "ad hoc“ set up of simple forms to the database driven production of a multi-language technical catalog. RagTime is offered in identical versions for Mac and Windows, and is licensed for a main and a secondary computer. Thus full compatibility is guaranteed for mixed Windows and Mac installations.

Learn more about the features and benefits of RagTime 6 on the RagTime website http://www.ragtime.de. RagTime is a registered trademark of RagTime.de Development GmbH.





RagTime.de Development GmbH
Helmut Tschemernjak
Tel.: +49 (0)5131 70 93 6-0
E-Mail: press@ragtime.de


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