General Sales Information

On the following pages you will find our latest price list. It comprises all currently available products, upgrades, manuals and extensions. However, if you cannot find the article you are looking for, our sales team will be happy to help you. Just send us your inquiry.


For a rapid processing of your order we will need the following information:



Would you like an individual offer for RagTime, trainings or extensions? Then send us your inquiry including a short description of your needs. We will get in touch with you soon.


Your Development team



Kontakt Development GmbH

Steinriede 3
30827 Garbsen


Tel.: +49 (0)5131 70 93 6-0



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RagTime 7


Inventar und Foyer

Alle Komponenten und Formate, Schriften, Farben sind übersichtlich geordnet im Inventar gespeichert. Häufig genutzte Dokumente und Formulare öffnen Sie ohne langes Suchen direkt über das Foyer.

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Probieren geht über Studieren
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